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Theatre in Spanish - LA CASA DE BERNARDA ALBA by Federico García Lorca

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Cervantes Theatre

Come to the theatre with us! Immerse yourself in the Spanish Culture and watch on of the classic masterpieces of the Spanish literature: LA CASA DE BERNARDA ALBA by Federico García Lorca.

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Theatre in Spanish - LA CASA DE BERNARDA ALBA by Federico García Lorca
Theatre in Spanish - LA CASA DE BERNARDA ALBA by Federico García Lorca

Time & Location

Time is TBD

Cervantes Theatre, 229 Union St, London SE1 0LR, UK

About the Event

Come to the theatre with us! Immerse yourself in the Spanish Culture and watch on of the classic masterpieces of the Spanish literature!

From the 3rd – 29th February 2020 at the Cervantes Theatre London.

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The production of La Casa de Bernarda Alba/ The House of Bernarda Alba that sold out in 2017, 2018 and 2019 is coming back in 2020 with 2 weeks at the Cervantes Theatre in London followed by touring dates in March.


Written in 1936 just before the civil war broke out, the play was first performed in Buenos Aires in 1945. It was banned in Spain until 1963, partly because of its political implications and partly because the behaviour and language of the characters was regarded as shockingly immoral. A small theatre club was allowed to put on a single performance in 1950, but the regime tried to ensure that it would be given no publicity.

Federico García Lorca (1898-1936) , poet and dramatist, was one of the greatest Spanish writers of the 20th century. He was killed by nationalist troops at the age of thirty-eight at the beginning of the Spanish Civil War and two months after completing The House of Bernarda Alba

The House of Bernarda Alba explores themes of repression, passion and conformity through the depiction of a matriarch’s domination of her five daughters. Described by the author as “a drama of women in the villages of Spain”, the deliberate exclusion of any male character from the action helps build the high level of sexual tension that is present throughout this masterpiece.

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